Ryan, Justin, Sean of Cursed on Earth @TheMusePodcast. Photo courtesy of Courtney Donovan. March 13, 2019.
Cursed on Earth Visits TheMusePodcast
As of the time this is being written, the episode (originally recorded LIVE on March 13, 2019) is under the clever hand of post-production wizard-in-residence, Duncan Watt; also co-host along with John “Briggsy” Briggs. AKA Briggsy Seagul, AKA Mr Brigg, AKA The Briggsedier General, etc. Duncan and Briggsy welcome musically inclined guests on to discuss their experience with the creative process, the discipline, the art of creating an auditory sensation that sets a mood, relights a candle, crushes to the core, and often times provides the energy we need to make this life one of beauty and reflection. What often happens is the listener is let in on a perspective that would otherwise pass them by, as they casually listen to their ‘favorite’ artist of whatever moment in their lives they find themselves. “What is that thing that drives us to reach into the unknown creative flow and pull out a new piece of art, or song?” This is the question the prodigal musician/host hopes to answer while engaging with these independent, individual musicians.
John Briggs and Duncan Watt @TheMusePodcast. Photo courtesy of Courtney Donovan. March 13, 2019.
Rather than recounting the entire experience, we’ll let you listen for yourself and draw your own conclusions, as is the new sensation in communication; long-form conversation. This post is aimed more at bringing attention to the platform and notion that we are all more similar than we’re led to believe. We’re curious, given each to what our individual interests dictate, because we’re human and that’s how humans have evolved since the very beginning.
This subject, in particular, is very focused on that very fact; humans are curiously curious. While many simply repeat things they hear, some among us stand way outside the common discourse and see life through a non-tangible lens. It’s in this subset of humans that you’ll find ideas that seem outrageous, coarse, mystical, and sometimes even aggressive in nature. Art is evolution, evolution is art, and evolution and art both require friction. There’s no way to clear an existing path, a path is something that is already clear. Sometimes a path gets overgrown, in need of refinement, though, that path is already conceived. Art, creation, is more about the blazing than the path. You can hope to know what you’re ‘blazing’ towards, but you only have so much control. Through these conversations we can hope to understand better where some of these ‘imperfect’ ideas take root. We can hope to understand each other a little more perfectly.
Included within this episode, two brand new songs that only a very few people have ever heard. Played live in the studio, right at the beginning, middle, and end of the episode, are songs too new for any major stage show. Two of these songs are BRAND NEW…as in finished the night before…as in only actually rehearsed a couple of times…as in sorry for the mistakes, we haven’t had time to develop ANY muscle memory for playing them. This is as close as a non-creator will get to the process itself. So, please, be gentle.
Sean playing live @TheMusePodcast. Photo courtesy of Courtney Donovan. March 13, 2019
We’re awaiting notice that the episode is ready to post, so, like you, we’ll wait and consider these ideas and what they mean to our individual curiosities. While doing so, we blaze ever forward; always forward.
Justin being stoic and thoughtful as ever. Photo courtesy of Courtney Donovan. March 13, 2019
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